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Mission & vision

peculiar way

of connecting

La Trao offers its participants a special experience,
that fits within the individual action plan of our client in general
and the families that are difficult to manage in particular.


As our motto indicates, we focus on the connection between people,
as a starting point for growth and development.

We do not distinguish between private or professional relationships,
work both preventive and remedial and only on a voluntary basis.

Our programs are exclusively customized
and are always used in addition to an existing aid proces.

At La Trao we combine a number of theoretical frameworks
and we share the following beliefs:

vrienden van La Trao

By moving, feelings of inertia are challenged. Re-seeing behavioral effects in the here and now can be helpful in breaking through psychic and relational impasses. "

Talking is necessary, doing things together adds something to it. The combination of both increases the chance of a more lasting impact. "

"Acting together and sharing this experience connects people. Though it does not fix alle problems permanently, the feeling of being connected with its context is an important condition for psychological well-being."

People become powerful when they are able to combine the positive elements of omnipotence, powerlessness and struggle. Obtaining insight into and experimenting with behavioral alternatives within this triangle can be framed by observing one's own effectiveness, by increasing social competence and by forming a positive and stable identity. "

Transparency in objectives & engagement are inversely proportional to pressure & coercion and increase the chances of success of what is intended. "

Challenges on a physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral level are never goals in themselves, but sometimes allow them to experience what cannot or may not be said. Subsequent coaching conversations offer a secure platform for trying to capture all this in words. "

Focusing on the here & now (circumstances, blank coaching, etc.) is a helping intermediate step in making the transfer to the there & then. "

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Hoogstraat 98 - bus 10
8800 Roeselare

0032 51 75.53.04

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La Trao is de ondersteuningsmodule
van  Xplo vzw



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